DPS Home and School
Meeting Minutes & Dates
Association By-Laws
Association Bylaws Danville Primary School Home & School Association Bylaws Adopted Date Article I – Name The Name of the organization shall be the Danville Primary School Home and School Association (DPS HSA) Article II – Purpose The DPS HSA has been organized exclusively for charitable, and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations qualifying as an exempt organization from Federal income tax under section 501© of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. Article III – Mission Statement The Mission of the DPS HSA shall be:
Article IV – Membership Members of the DPS HSA shall include
Article V – Basic Policies Section 1 – Objectives The objectives of DPS HSA shall be developed through meetings, committees and projects, and shall be governed and qualified by the purpose and policies set forth by these By-laws. Section 2 – Non-involvement in Politics or Personal Benefit No part of the net earnings of DPS HSA shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except DPS HSA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Section 3 – Representation DPS HSA is a representative body comprised of family members and faculty to serve the best interest of the students of DPS. DPS HSA shall represent the position of the majority of the school community in matters pertaining to the school and its policies and will make that position known to the DPS Principal. Section 4 – Approval All programs, fundraising, expenditures, and budgets for DPS HSA are to be presented at the meetings. Their approval is subject to a majority vote of those members present. Section 5 – Duties DPS HSA shall adopt an annual budget, disburse funds, approve plans and programs to raise funds, and perform all other duties as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the stated purpose. Section 6 – Check Signing and Cash Box The Treasurer and President will be the only authorized signers of checks from the DPS HSA accounts. HSA officers are the only members who may handle the HSA cash box. Section 7 – Budget The fiscal year of the DPS HSA shall generally follow the established school year, running from August 1st through July 31st. The budget for the coming year shall be reviewed by committee in the months leading up to the start of the school year. The revised budget will be presented to the assembled officers for review before the start of the school year. The proposed budget will be posted on the school website under the HSA page. The budget will be approved by the start of school. Section 8 – Reimbursement Reimbursement for items purchased for approved HSA activities shall be made when the Reimbursement Form is properly completed and signed by the Treasurer and receipts for such items are attached. At no time will checks be written prior to purchase being made. Article VI – Meetings Section 1 – Meetings of DPS HSA DPS HSA shall meet monthly, day and time to be decided by the Officers. At each meeting, time will be allowed for informational presentations on school programs which address the concerns and interests of the members. If any member would like to have an item included on the agenda for a vote, he/she should notify the President at least three school days prior to the meeting. The agenda shall be available to all the members at the meeting. Minutes of the meetings shall be made available online through the schools website. Section 2 – Special Meetings of the Officers The officers shall hold a summer organizational meeting. Emergent items that need approval prior to the first regular monthly meeting of the school year require the presence of three Officers for a vote to be taken. Additional meetings of the Officers will occur as necessary. Section 3 – Special Meetings of the DPS HSA Special meetings of the DPS HSA may be called by any Officer upon the request of any three members. Written or verbal notice must be given at least twenty-four hours in advance of the Special Meeting. The notice should provide the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted at such meeting. Section 4 – Quorum at the DPS HSA Meetings The majority vote of the members present at a meeting may decide any issues which are brought before the membership. Members must be present in person or through a virtual meeting. Section 5 – Emergency Expenditures Expenditures that arise may be approved prior to the next DPS HSA meeting with the majority vote of the Officers. Article VII – Election of Officers Section 1 - Officers The Officers of the DPS HSA shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Officers of Committees such as: Holiday Shop, Science Fair, Field Trips, and other needed committees as determined by the officers. Section 2 – Election Process The election process shall be as follows:
In the event that any officer needs to resign their position, an election will be held to fill the position for the remainder of the term. Section 3 – Term of Office Officers shall serve for one year in the office in which they are elected. There is no maximum number of terms per officer but each term every office is open for election. Section 4 – Removal of Officer If an elected officer fails to perform the duties of his/her office, the officer can be removed by a two-thirds vote of the remainder of the Officers. Article VIII – Duties of the Officers Basic requirements for each Officer are as follows: President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the DPS HSA. He/She shall delegate duties as needed and have general supervision of the work of the organization. Vice President – The Vice President shall assist the President in his/her duties and lead planned events as needed. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall plan the yearly budget and bring said budget forth for a vote before the beginning of the school year. He/She shall reimburse members and faculty as outlined in the above by-laws. Secretary – The secretary shall take minutes at all meetings and have the typed-up minutes submitted to the school’s website. Officer of Committees – The Officers of Committees are responsible for the organization and running of their assigned event. Article IX – Miscellaneous Provisions Section 1 – Disposition of Assets Upon Dissolution Upon dissolution of the DPS HSA or the winding up of its affairs, the assets of the Corporation shall be distributed exclusively to charitable organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended. The first preference for an organization to receive the distribution of assets of the DPS HSA shall be to a Parent Association with the proper 501(c)(3) authorization which shall succeed DPS HSA and serve the students living in the Danville Area School District. Section 2 – Amendments The Bylaws may be amended at a meeting by a majority vote of the members present at such meeting, provided the proposed amendment was presented and discussed at the previous meeting and the written proposed amendments were made available to all members prior to the meeting. Section 3 – Bylaw Review The Bylaws will be reviewed every three years at the beginning of the school year. The review process will include all the officers for the coming year. |