Title I Reading
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Title I is the largest federal aid program for our nation's schools. The goal of Title I is to provide high-quality reading intervention for students who need it most. Danville Area School District is a Title I Targeted Assisted School. That means that we identify (or target) students who are having difficulty in reading for Title I services. These reading difficulties are determined through a variety of means such as the NWEA Maps Growth and Fluency testing results, curriculum-based assessments, and teacher recommendations.
Identified students receive reading support from trained and certified Reading Specialists. Danville Primary School currently has these Title I Reading Specialists: Mrs. Lisa Foran, Mrs. Laura Potter, Ms. Jessica Paugh, Mrs. Angela Rush; and Mrs. Dawn Haas, who is also the Title I Coordinator. Our Reading Specialists provide different levels of support depending upon the need of each child. They serve students through push-in and pull-out programs.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Title I program or the services your child is receiving, please feel free to contact the Title I Coordinator or any of the Reading Specialists.
Office Phone: 570-271-3268, ext. 2100
Email Addresses:
Mrs. Dawn Haas, Title I Coordinator dawnhaas@danvillesd.org
Mrs. Lisa Foran lforan@danvillesd.org
Mrs. Angela Rush arush@danvillesd.org
Ms. Jessica Paugh jpaugh@danvillesd.org
Mrs. Laura Potter lpotter@danvillesd.org
Title I Reading Specialists are also available to meet with parents. Please call ahead of time to make an appointment.
Every Child Succeeds Act
Federal Programs and Complaint Procedures
The Danville Area School District in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015 (formerly the Elementary and Secondary Education Act commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) is hereby notifying parents/guardians of their rights to receive information regarding:
student performance
Individual school performance
district performance
teacher/staff qualifications
The District/School performance profiles which include aggregate information including student achievement, graduation rates, and school performance are posted on the Danville Area School District website and updated annually.
Individual student assessment reports on the PSSAs and Keystone exams are mailed or sent home to families each fall. The assessment score reports provide parents/guardians with a detailed record of student achievement on state academic standards.
Each fall a public presentation of our District assessment results are presented at a public meeting and the School Report Card results are published on the District www.danvillesd.org and the State website (www.paschoolperformance.org). If a school has been identified as a “priority” or “focus” school, parents/guardians will receive individual notification via mail. This parent/guardian notification will provide notice to parents/guardians on how to access supplemental aids/services through our schools/community.
Parent/Guardian Involvement- Parents/Guardians are encouraged to participate in the education of their children.
District Parental Involvement and Title I Parental Involvement Policies are reviewed annually.
Policy and Educational Program input is sought each fall during Title I Parent/Guardian meetings.
During the fall Title I parent/guardian meetings families are provided with an overview of our Title I programs. Suggestions for assisting the child throughout the school year are reviewed with parents/guardians.
Faculty Qualifications- All teachers and instructional assistants employed by the Danville Area School District meet or exceed the Federal requirements for highly qualified. Parents/guardians have the right to know the qualification/certification status of each teacher and instructional assistant who work within our Title I school. Parents/guardians may contact the individual building principal to verify qualification status for these employees.
Any questions regarding this annual notice or parent/guardian input regarding Federal Programs may be directed to the Primary School Principal, Mrs. Gianna Earp, or the Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Jason Moser, 570-271-3268.
Parent Meetings
DPS Parent MeetingsOur Fall Parent Meetings were held on Thursday, October 31, 2024. There were two meetings: a virtual meeting at 9 am and a luncheon at 12 pm.
We shared two short videos about the importance of reading to your children.
Dr. Hutton - Brain Research Reading Aloud
Newsletters & Important Documents
Family Night
Parent Advisory Council
Title I State Parent Advisory Council
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) created the Title I State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) in 1990. SPAC includes parents of children participating in Title I. The purpose of this council is to share ideas with the Division of Federal Programs about involving Title I parents to increase student achievement. SPAC parents advise PDE on many aspects of Parent and Family Engagement-from working with children at home to developing partnerships among parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders to create effective and engaging parent involvement programs.
Here is a link to the State Parent Advisory Council website.